神经药理学报››2011,Vol. 1››Issue (1): 55-64.

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    • 出版日期:2011-02-26发布日期:2011-10-20
    • 作者简介:李俊旭,男,1977年出生,助理教授,博士,博士生导师;研究方向:行为药理学。

    Behavioral Pharmacology: History and Current Status

    LI Jun-xu

      • Online:2011-02-26Published:2011-10-20

      摘要:行为药理学作为药理学的一个分支,其发展历史已有50余年。从1955年Peter Dews发表其代表性论文《Studies on behavior. I》以来,行为药理学从无到有,已经发展成为一个活跃的、生机勃勃的新学科。本文拟回顾行为药理学的发展历程,理清其历史发展的脉络,并就行为药理学当前发展的状况作一综述。本文还将提出行为药理学研究中所应注意的几个问题供讨论。


      Abstract:As a branch of pharmacology,behavioral pharmacology has been stepping into its 50s. Since the publication of the hallmark paper of this field in 1955,behavioral pharmacology has seen a steady,vibrant and healthy development. This review traced back into 1950s,summarizing the major events during the history of behavioral pharmacology,and discuss the current status in this field. The paper also discussed several issues related to behavioral pharmacology research.

      Key words:Behavioral pharmacology,history,current status
