神经药理学报››2014,Vol. 4››Issue (1): 29-33.

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  1. 1.欧宝平台登录 药学系,张家口,075000,中国
  • 出版日期:2014-02-26发布日期:2014-06-06
  • 作者简介:刘丰熙,女,讲师,硕士;研究方向:中医药抗衰老;E-mail:liufengxi1613@163.com

The Therapeutic Progress of Vascular Dementia in Terms of Modern Medicine and Chinese Traditional Treatment

LIU Feng-xi1, NIU Kai2, XUE Gui-ping1

  1. 1.Department of Pharmacy, Hebei North University, Zhangjiakou, 075000, China
    2.Santa (Zhangjiakou) Pharmaceutical Co., LTD., Zhangjiakou, 075000, China
  • Online:2014-02-26Published:2014-06-06
  • About author:刘丰熙,女,讲师,硕士;研究方向:中医药抗衰老;E-mail:liufengxi1613@163.com

摘要:血管性痴呆(vascular dementia,VD)是指因脑血管疾病所致的认知功能障碍综合征,已经成为现代社会导致精神和躯体残疾的重要因素之一。而且,VD是迄今为止唯一可防治的痴呆类型,如早期治疗可使预后明显改善。本文从现代医学和传统医学的角度出发综述了VD的治疗进展。


Abstract:Vascular dementia refers to a kind of cognitive dysfunction syndrome induced by cerebrovascular diseases and is one of important factors for mental disturbance and physical disability in modern society. In addition, VD, so far, is only avertable dementia type. If early diagnosis and effective therapy, the prognosis can be improved remarkably. The present paper reviewed the therapeutic progress in terms of modern medicine and Chinese traditional treatment.

Key words:vascular ,dementia,modern medicine,Chinese traditional treatment
