Acta Neuropharmacologica››2018,Vol. 8››Issue (1): 9-15.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1396.2018.01.002

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Pharmacological Progress of Ganoderma on Anti-aging and Anti-Alzheimer’s Disease

LIN Zhi-bin

  1. Department of Pharmacology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, 100191, China
  • Online:2018-02-26Published:2018-06-04

Abstract:Present article reviewed the pharmacological progress on anti-aging and anti- Alzheimer’s disease of Ganoderma(Lingzhi). G.lucidum polysaccharide significantly enhanced the immunity in aged mice,which involved that increasing plaque forming cells,promoting T and B lymphocyte proliferation reaction and mixed lymphocyte reaction,and enhancing interleukin-2 production in aged mice. The immune-enhancing effect of G.lucidum polysaccharides may relate to increase DNA polymeraseαactivity of spleen cells in aged mice. G.lucidum polysaccharide can delay the aging of cells,organs and tissues by anti-oxidative stress. G. lucidum polysaccharides,triterpenes and spores can improve of learning and memory function and histopathological injury of the hippocampus in animal model of Alzheimer disease,and its mechanism is closely related to antioxidative and scavenging free radicals effect by Ganoderma(Lingzhi)

Key words:Ganoderma lucidum,polysaccharides,triterpenes,aging,immunity,Alzheimer&,rsquo,s disease

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