@article{GAO Xiang_26, author = {[GAO Xiang, LU Jin-Miao, LUO Qing-He, NIE Hui-Zhen, WANG Yu-Liang, WANG Ze-Jian, YIN Ming, ZHANG Can, ZHAO Wen-Juan]}, title = {Effects of nicotine analog ZY-1 on β-amyloid production and learning and memory in transgenic Alzheimer disease mice}, publisher = {ACTA NEUROPHARMACOLOGICA}, year = {2011}, journal = {ACTA NEUROPHARMACOLOGICA}, volume = {1}, number = {1}, eid = {26}, pages = {26-31}, keywords = {

Alzheimer's disease;transgenic mice;receptor binding assay;nicotinic acetylcholine receptor

}, url = http://actanp.hebeinu.edu.cn/EN/abstract/article_6.shtml }