%A WEI Yuan-yuan, ZHANG Yan-nan, FAN Yi-meng, GA Yu, WANG Hui-ru, HAN Jun-cheng, LV Jian-yu, HAO Zhi-hui %T Comparative Study on Piglet Weaning Stress Syndrome and Diarrhea Type Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Liver Stagnation and Spleen Deficiency Syndrome %0 Journal Article %D 2022 %J ACTA NEUROPHARMACOLOGICA %R 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1396.2022.03.009 %P 44- %V 12 %N 3 %U {http://actanp.hebeinu.edu.cn/CN/abstract/article_804.shtml} %8 2022-06-26 %X
One or two weeks after weaning,piglets usually have a series of changes,such as poor appetite,digestive dysfunction,diarrhea,slow growth,low feed utilization rate,poor mental status and poor appearance,which is generally called piglet weaning stress syndrome. Its fatality rate is high,even if it has been tolerated,it will seriously affect the growth and development of piglets in the later stage and the production performance of adults. The clinical cure rate is not high,and there is a lack of suitable experimental animal models for research. According to syndrome differentiation analysis,both piglet weaning stress syndrome and diarrhea irritable bowel syndrome belong to the syndrome of liver depression and spleen deficiency. Therefore,this paper reviews the etiology,pathogenesis,syndrome types and related experimental animal models of weaning stress and diarrhea irritable bowel syndrome in piglets. To provide a reasonable way to study piglet weaning stress syndrome by using the animal model of diarrhea irritable bowel syndrome with liver depression and spleen deficiency syndrome.